Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

91-31 / AB03
Alberta Canada 1991
Game Bird Duck Stamp
Fred's Anecdotal Note
This is the first Alberta MILFORD and will be a key col1ectible. The hand-painted cachet shows a Pintail Duck taking off amid a foreground of colorful prairie flowers. Sweeping clouds and soft green grasses combine with duck and flowers to make this a most attractive First Day Cover.
Serial numbers on the unusually shaped stamps are 5001 to 5310 except for 5031. It must be noted that these stamps were issued on August 6, 1991 and I have a letter from Alberta Province to that effect. Since the stamps were picked up and serviced on the sixth, I can attest that none were sold previously. Any covers postmarked before August sixth are "pre-dates" which should be assigned the little or no "First Day of Issue" significance attributed to other pre-dates over the years. Your MILFORD Alberta is a true FDC.