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Collins FDC Catalog
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91-47 / ID6
Idaho 1991
American Wigeon by Richard Clifton
Fred's Anecdotal Note
1991 IDAHO
It is Christmas Eve at a remote ldaho ranch and a pair of widgeons huddle on a frozen creek. The region has been grasped in the grip of OId Man Winter and a full December moon illuminates the icy scene. The moment is warmed by the merriment of Christmas as Santa waves from a chimney top and in the hand-painted cachet a glimpse of the familiar sleigh can be seen darting over the snow-capped peaks. A Christmas card from MILFORD.
Stamp serial numbers used were 126 to 135 and 391 to 690 except for numbers 130, 131, 133, 408, 472 and 572.
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