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Collins FDC Catalog

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West Virginia

93-01 / WV13

West Virginia 1993

Pintails by Phillip Crowe

Fred's Anecdotal Note


A dynamic winter scene ushers in the new Milford year as three male and one female pintails fly over a West Virginia cornfield. Only the stubs from once tall, green stalks now protrude above the snow. A red barn set against a dawning sky provides a bright contrast to the white barren winter morning.

The First Day cancel is from Lumberport and ties both the new duck stamp and required first-class postage stamp to the cover. For 1993 I'lI be using the lovely and appropriate wildflower stamps and the tickseed starts us off. Serial numbered stamps obtained were not consecutive but did fall between 1031 and 1500 which are nice low numbers. A net total of 193 MILFORDS were produced for this issue.

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