Collins FDC Catalog
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V6102 / Scott 5758
Historic Railroad Stations
Point of Rocks Station, MD
Cover Announcement
This is an historic station located at Point of Rocks, Maryland. It was built in 1873 by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. It was on the line running to Washington, D.C. Baltimore, and points west. The main station is a two and a half-story triangular Gothic revival with a four-story tower. The tower has a pyramid roof containing a dormer on each side. On top is a square cupola. The station is not open to the public. In 2008 new platforms and shelters were buiit for commuters traveling east toward Washington, D.C.
During the blizzard of 2010, the southside awning on the main building collapsed under the record snowfall and was later removed. The station was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1973.
Point of Rocks Station. the second to be offered in the mini-set of Historic Railroad Stations is now ready. Collins #V6102 at $18.50