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Collins FDC Catalog

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1967 Mercury Cougar XR-7 GT

M6104 / Scott 5718

Pony Cars

1967 Mercury Cougar XR-7 GT

Cover Announcement

This classic Pony Car came with the following options: four-speed manual transmission; power steering; power disc brakes; and styled steel wheels. It had a Ford FE Series OHV V-8 engine. According to production records, less than 1,000 Mercury Cougar GTs were made that year. Also, only two percent of all Mercury's produced that year had four speed transmissions and that included the Cougars.

My hand painted cachet has a nice rendition of this exciting power car. As is my special touch for this set, I've included a historic vignette with a sign of the times. ln this case it is of the Beatles brightly costumed for their eighth aibum which was Sgr. Pepper's Lonely' Hearts Club Band. The stamp has the first day of issue bullseye postmark from Sacramento. California.

The 1967 Mercury Cougar XR-7 GT is now ready . Collins # M6104 at $18.50.

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