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Collins FDC Catalog

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1969 AMC Javelin SST

M6105 / Scott 5719

Pony Cars

1969 AMC Javelin SST

Cover Announcement

This is a mini-set that I have anxiously been ready to start offering. Of course, these magnificent cars will be the

featured subject of each of my individual hand painted cachets. But.....also inciuded on each will be an historic happening to American culture or national identity. For example, on this 1969 Javelin cover, at the upper left is a reminder of the United States putting a man on the moon as Neil Armstrong became the first. Each of the next four will also have historic vignettes. Each will enhance the collectability of the cover it is on!

The American Motor Corporation introduced the "Javelin" pony car in model year 1968. The model on this stamp is the 1969 AMC Javeiin SST. It was available in economic "pony car" models to more expensive "muscle car" variants. The 1968 Javelin was offered at $2,743 with discounts for U.S. military personnel. The 1969 was a two-door hard top with a front end that featured a "twin-venturi" look. Note on the individually hand painted cachet the recessed honeycomb grille and outboard mounted headlights with matching turn signals that were set into the bumper. There were a pair of simulated air scoops on the hood. The color of the Javelin on this cover is an exciting orange/red.

The first manned landing on the moon was bv astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on July 20,1969, They planted a U.S. flag and on the cachet the earth is visible in the background. The future four pony car cachets will include the Vietnam era, the Beatles, the Rorlan & Martin's "Laugh In" television show that ran from January 1968 to March 1978 (the most popular show in the U.S.). and Woodstock.

The first of this great Collins mini-set of five Ponl Cars - the 1969 AMC Javelin SST - is now available. Collins #M6105 at $18.50.

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