Collins FDC Catalog
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Antique Fire Pumper - 2
Y3504 / Scott 3645
Antique Toys – Denominated
Fire Pumper
Cover Announcement
This is the second in my series of denominated Antique Toy covers where the first class rate of 37c is printed on the stamps. Toy construction equipment has always been a favorite with children, and these metal toys are from the early part of the century. Shown are a steam shovel with a small linked-chain that actually permiued the child to work the bucket/scoop arm. Also shown is an early steam roller based on a real-life model that revolutionized street construction.
This cover joins the "Airships" (Y3501) previously offered and still available at $l2.25. Antique toys on First Day Covers for these new stamps will continue to hold much appeal for collectors. As always, hand painted ones will command a premium, and I'm pleased to offer my "Construction Equipment" version. Collins #Y3504 - $12.25.