Collins FDC Catalog
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Rodger Dodger – Purple Olds 442
G5804 / Scott 5324
Hot Wheels Toy Cars
59th Anniversary
Rodger Dodger – Purple Olds 442
Cover Announcement
These scale-model cars were introduced in 1968. Originaliy the cars were intended for children and young adults, but they have become extremely popular with adult collectors. Now, limited-edition models are being made for this customer group. Hot Wheel cars were intended to be customized or modified with eye-catching features such as innovative paint jobs, unusual proportions and, often, big rear tires. For many they were true fantasy cars.
In addition to the cars themselves. a racing track set was also produced. This original track consisted of a series of bright orange road sections that formed an oval track. The stamps incorporate this orange track into their desiqns, so I thought I would also. Accordingly, each of these cachet cars become more realistic as they speed along.
Each and every cachet is individualy hand painted. Every bit of color is the result of brush stroke by careful brush stroke. Just imagine the time it requires to paint each envelope, and you can see why Collins covers have such an outstanding reputation within the hobby. This set will provide an ongoing philatelic tribute to the creativity of the Hot Wheels model cars.
My approach to the cachets for this set was a little different. Rather than duplicate the car depicted on the stamp, a different model was chosen for the cachet. This means that twenty different Hot Wheels are represented in the set. This is a truly beautiful mini-set. Just look again at the illustrations and appreciate that each and every cachet is individually hand painted. Be sure not to miss out on this incredible set. Once sold out, in the months and years ahead, this Collins set will be very difficult to find.