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Collins FDC Catalog

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Labrador Retriever

A5904 / Scott 5406

Military Working Dogs

Labrador Retriever

Cover Announcement 

This medium to large dog is the most popular breed in many countries around the world. Originally bred as a retriever gun dog, it is now a favorite to provide assistance to those with disabilities such as blindness or autism. Labradors also act as therapy dogs and work in law enforcement.

In Vietnam, the Labrador Retriever was the military's choice for their combat tracking teams which consisted of one dog and five men. The unit included the dog handler, an observer. two cover men, and the team leader. Labs were chosen because of their scent retention qualities and were used to located wounded U.S. servicemen, enemy patrols, and downed air crew members. The Army Labradors received their training at the British Army's Jungle Warfare School in Malaysia.

Orer 4,000 military working dogs served in Vietnam, and 232 of them were killed in action. Two hundred, ninety five U.S. "dog handlers" were also killed. The Army lost the most dogs with 204 dying in action.

Labrador Retrievers are best known for their disposition, loyalty and obedience. I am happy to present the last of my military working Dogs. Coilins #A5904 at $16.50.

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