Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom
Spring Flowers
Cover Announcement
The iris and hyacinth stamp will complete my mini-set for the spring flowers issue. Continuing with the tulip/long-haired cat and daffodil/bluebird theme of lovely creatures combined with beautiful flowers, I'm happy to announce the final two.
A mother rabbit huddles with her recently born baby amidst a bed of hyacinths. The delicate petal configuration of each flower is complemented by the finely detailed lines of the rabbits' fur. You will love the artistic expression that this hand painted cachet presents. As an added touch of spring, a lower border of small pansies makes an appearance.
Beside the proverbial garden gate, a striking butterfly visits a colorful iris to gather a bit of springtime nectar. Butterflies are always a popular collecting topical, and I felt that this set would not have been complete without one. From the rose-covered trellised gate to the vivid flowers to the fluttering butterfly, I must tell you that only individual watercoloring could have achieved the final result. It's a most pleasing set of four.
To complete the spring flowers I'm delighted to announce Hyacinth and Bunnies (P3903) and Iris and Butterfly (P3904) at $13.25 each.