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Collins FDC Catalog

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H1601 / Scott UX133

America The Beautiful

The Forest

Collins Cover Announcement 


The Woodlands 

This is the final FDC in the series and it certainly is a fine hand-painted Wildlife cover. I've coordinated the cachet and the stamp image area so that a magnificent whitetailed deer buck with a nice antler rack stands beside a woodland waterfall. My hand-painted cachet continues the stream across the cover to a second waterfall which disappears into a deep valley. Along the stream a mother skunk leads her three youngsters which are having a bit of a problem getting over a fallen log blocking the trail. In the foreground, a porcupine has climbed a tree and, from his high perch among the stilll-clinging autumn leaves, surveys the whole scene.

The First Day cancel is a round pictorial with running deer from Cherokee, North Carolina.

From the golden glow on the horizon to the twilight colors of the early evening sky, you'll enjoy this glimpse at a peaceful woodland moment. Item #H1601. $8.00.

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